Asia and the Pacific

How Technology Affects Jobs in Asia


Developing countries in Asia have created 30 million jobs annually in industry and services over the past 25 years, according to the Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2018: How Technology Affects Jobs.

Results of ADB-supported Operations by S2030 Operational Priorities, 2020


Results of ADB operations that supported the seven Strategy 2030 operational priorities.

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Forging Economic Resilience in the People’s Republic of China Through Value Chain Upgrading and Economic Rebalancing


The policy brief data contain the latest estimates of multiregional input-output tables for years 2000, 2007-2019 and a more comprehensive range of statistics relevant to analyzing production, trade, and interrelations between sectors in the PRC.

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Asian Transport Outlook Database


Asian Transport Outlook (ATO) is initiated by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to strengthen the knowledge base on transport in the Asia-Pacific region. The ATO is developed in support of the planning and delivery of ADB Transport Sector Assistance. The ATO also supports Asian governments in transport policy development and delivery. ADB is working with other interested parties in developing the ATO as an instrument to track the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), the Paris Agreement and other relevant international agreements on sustainable development in the transport sector.

Data and Resources

ATO User Guide (PDF)

A web-based version is available at 

ATO Master List of Indicators
As of 30 September 2022. A web-based version is available at
ATO Annotated Repository of Transport Policy Documents

The ATO National Transport Policy Documents is an annotated repository of transport-related policy documents from the 51 economies in the Asia Pacific region. Also available at 

National Infrastructure (INF)

Infrastructure (INF) describes in quantitative and qualitative manner (a)physical road, rail, waterways-ports, aviation-airport infrastructure that enables transport, (b) information and communications technology (ICT) Infrastructure, (c) infrastructure to produce different types of fuels used in transport)

National Transport Activity & Services (TAS)

Transport Activity and Services (TAS) describes in quantitative and qualitative manner all forms of transport activity and services through the use of transport infrastructure. This includes description of the vehicles used in transport

National Access & Connectivity (ACC)

Access and Connectivity, (ACC) describes access (physical or digital) provided by different forms of transport and the connectivity characteristics of transport systems at different geographical scales.

National Road Safety (RSA)

Road Safety, (RSA) describes all information related to the safety of transport and combines: (a) information on traffic accidents (fatalities and injuries) (b) safety features of transport infrastructure, (c) safety features of vehicles used in transport

National Air Pollution & Health (APH)

Air Pollution and health, (APH) describes all information related to transport related ambient air pollution and non-road safety health related and includes (a) Ambient air quality, (b) vehicle related air pollutant emissions, (c) fuel quality characteristics, (d) general health related information, e.g. activity levels.

National Climate Change (CLC)

Climate Change, (CLC), describes all information related to transport related climate change and combines: (a) ambient GHG emissions, (b) vehicle related energy consumption and GHG emissions, (c) climate vulnerability and impacts of transport infrastructure

National Socio-Economic (SEC)

Socio-Economic, (SEC), describes all information on: (a) socio-economic parameters that drive the development of transport, and (b) specific economic impact of transport and its externalities on society at large.

Miscellaneous (MIS)

Miscellaneous (MIS) this is a rest category for all other indicators.

National Policy (POL)

Policy (POL) provides an overview of transport policy documents and policy targets, covering all categories of the ATO.

ATO Urban Database (XLSX)

The ATO Urban Database contains indicators on Infrastructure, Urban Form, Structure and Land-use, Activity and Services; Access and Connectivity, Road safety; Air Pollution and Health; Climate Change; Socio-Economic; and Miscellaneous 

A detailed assessment on selected 41 urban centers was conducted which provided additional detailed indicators, transport-related targets, and city-level policies:

ATO Cost Database

The ATO Cost Database is a unique ‘Transport Infrastructure Cost Database’ for Asian economies. The main objective of the database is to provide insights on transport infrastructure cost data to MDBs, Policy makers and Civil Society. A web-based interface is available at 



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Operational Procurement Database (2014 - 2024)


The Operational Procurement Statistics Dashboard presents the value of all goods, works and consulting services contracts awarded for projects approved by the Bank.

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Procurement by Nationality (2014 – 2024)

Procurement by nationality presents the list of all goods, works and consulting services contracts awarded by nationality of the contractors, suppliers and consultants. Nationality corresponds to the place of incorporation or the location of the head office (center of administration) of the contractor. In the case where the supplier/contractor is a subsidiary of an international corporation, the subsidiary's place of incorporation should be used to determine the nationality of the contractor which should still be an ADB member, unless a waiver to procure from non-members has been secured. For consulting services, the home office of the consulting firm would be the country of procurement of the services. In case of a joint venture, the nationality of the lead firm representing the joint venture or associations serves as the nationality. In case of an individual, the nationality is as indicated in the passport and the consultant registration.

Procurement by Origin of Goods and Services (2014 – 2024)

Procurement by origin presents the details of procurement by origin of goods and services. Origin of goods is the place where the goods have been mined, grown, cultivated produced, manufactured, or processed (or through manufacture, processing, or assembly, another commercially recognized article results that differs substantially in its basic characteristics from its imported components). In case of works, consulting and other services, it is the nationality, or the place of incorporation, of the service provider. The origin should also be an ADB member.



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Operational Procurement Statistics Dashboard (ProcDash)

The Procurement Statistics Dashboard presents the value of all goods, works and consulting services contracts awarded for projects approved by the Bank.


Results of ADB-supported Operations by S2030 Operational Priorities, 2019


Results of ADB operations that supported the seven Strategy 2030 operational priorities.

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2017 International Comparison Program for Asia and the Pacific Chart Data: Purchasing Power Parities and Real Expenditures Results and Methodology


This dataset contains chart data of the 2017 International Comparison Program (ICP) for Asia and the Pacific, showing the detailed results of purchasing power parities, price level indexes, and total and per capita real (PPP-converted) gross domestic product and its components for the 22 economies of the region.

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