Asia and the Pacific

Partnership Report 2020

Cofinancing data based on commitments in 2020.

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Capturing the Digital Economy: A Proposed Measurement Framework and its Applications


This special supplement to Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific 2021 seeks to define the core digital economy anchored on input-output analytical framework from the national statistics offices.

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ADB Data Show the Impact of COVID-19 on Government Finance in Developing Asia


Many countries in developing Asia have been left with large negative fiscal balances due to the impact of COVID-19, ADB data show. A fiscal imbalance occurs when a government spends more money than it takes in through tax and other revenues.

Key Responses to COVID-19 by the Asia-Pacific Economies: An Update from the ADB COVID-19 Policy Database


ADB's COVID-19 Policy Database, launched on 20 April 2020, provides information on the key economic measures that authorities are taking to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Power of Data for Women and Girls


Household-level poverty and development data often masks key inequalities between men and women, particularly when it comes to the control of resources and assets. A new effort is underway to take a closer look.

How Much Should Asia Spend on Infrastructure?


The Asia and Pacific region's infrastructure has improved rapidly, but remains far from adequate.

Asian Economies: Making the Transition to High Income


Countries in developing Asia have moved more quickly and in greater numbers to join the ranks of middle-income economies than anywhere else in the world over the past 50 years.

Population and Aging in Asia: The Growing Elderly Population


Over the coming decades Asia will rapidly age, governments must prepare for this reality.

Remittances and Poverty Reduction in Asia


International remittances now represent the second most important source of external funds after foreign direct investment for all developing economies, including those in Asia. What impact are they having on reducing poverty?

Finance for All - Breaking the Barriers to Inclusion


A recent ADB Institute publication explores the experiences of advanced and developing economies in Europe and Asia in providing financial services to low-income households and small and medium-sized enterprises.