Asia and the Pacific

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ADB Annual Report 2016: Operational Data


Data on ADB operations, projects, resources, financing, approvals, and evaluation results as of 2016.

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Exports of Goods and Services, as Share of Gross Domestic Product in Asia and the Pacific


Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) values by regional member. This dataset shows the pattern of growth per decade from 1966 to 2016.

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Exports Growth Rate in Asia and the Pacific, Asian Development Outlook


This dataset shows the annual growth rates of exports of goods. Data are in million US dollars, primarily obtained from the balance-of-payments accounts of each economy. Exports are reported free on board.

Data and Resources

Exports Growth Rate, Asian Development Outlook 2020 (CSV)
Note: Figures for 2020 and 2021 are forecasts.
Exports Growth Rate, Asian Development Outlook 2020 (XLSX)

Note: Figures for 2020 and 2021 are forecasts.

Exports Growth Rate, Asian Development Outlook 2018 (CSV)

Note: Figures for 2018 and 2019 are forecasts.

Exports Growth Rate, Asian Development Outlook 2017 (CSV)

Note: Figures for 2017 and 2018 are forecasts.



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Donor Contributions on Asian Development Fund


This dataset lists the contributions of donor countries, both regional and nonregional, to ADB's Asian Development Fund.

Data and Resources

Donor Contributions on Asian Development Fund, by Replenishment Period (CSV)

Actual donor contributions are based on contributions indicated in instruments of contribution except for ADF 12, which mostly represent pledged amounts as of 30 March 2017.

Donor Contributions on Asian Development Fund, Total (CSV)

Total contributions of donor countries to the Asian Development Fund.



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Empirical Results of the Effects of International Remittances on Poverty Measures


Results of the empirical estimations using the ordinary least squares of panel data analysis, with variables measured according to three poverty indices (i. incidence of poverty, ii. depth of poverty, iii. severity of poverty).

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Current Account Balance in Asia and the Pacific, Asian Development Outlook (ADO)


Figures and forecasts are as of ADB's Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2023, released in September 2023.

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Debt Service Ratio in Asia and the Pacific, Asian Development Outlook


This dataset generally presents the total debt service payments of each economy, which comprise principal repayments (excluding on shortterm debt) and interest payments on outstanding external debt, as a percentage of exports of goods and services.

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