Asian Development Outlook (ADO) 2020 Chart Data: The Pacific


Country chapter and chart data for Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Timor-Leste, Vanuatu, and Central, North, and South Pacific economies; including economic performance, prospects, and challenges as reported in the Asian Development Outlook 2020.

Note: Data sources are attributed on respective charts.

  • 3.33.1 GDP growth
  • 3.33.2 Visitor arrivals
  • 3.33.3 Current account balance
  • 3.33.4 Inflation
  • 3.33.5 Fiscal deficit
  • 3.34.1 GDP growth
  • 3.34.2 Inflation
  • 3.34.3 Kina facility rate
  • 3.34.4 Current account balance
  • 3.34.5 Fiscal balance
  • 3.34.6 Real capital expenditure
  • 3.34.7 Public debt
  • 3.34.8 Debt service cost, in real terms
  • 3.35.1 Logging output and exports
  • 3.35.2 Fiscal accounts
  • 3.35.3 Current account balance
  • 3.35.4 Supply-side contributions to growth
  • 3.35.5 Inflation
  • 3.35.6 Government revenue
  • 3.36.1 Vanuatu arrivals by air, by usual country of residence
  • 3.36.2 Government revenue
  • 3.36.3 Vanuatu merchandise exports
  • 3.36.4 Supply-side contributions to growth
  • 3.36.5 Fiscal balance
  • 3.36.6 Inflation
  • 3.36.7 Vanuatu seasonal workers, by destination
  • 3.37.1 GDP growth
  • 3.37.2 Fishing license revenue
  • 3.37.3 Fiscal balance
  • 3.37.4 Current account balance
  • 3.37.5 Inflation
  • 3.37.6 Trust fund balances
  • 3.38.1 GDP growth in the North Pacific economies
  • 3.38.2 Fishing license revenues in the Federated States of Micronesia
  • 3.38.3 Marshall Islands external debt
  • 3.38.4 Visitor arrivals in Palau, by source
  • 3.38.5 Supply-side contributions to growth in the FSM
  • 3.38.6 Grants and current expenditures in the Marshall Islands
  • 3.38.7 Fiscal surpluses in North Pacific economies
  • 3.38.8 Inflation in the North Pacific economies
  • 3.38.9 Unfunded liabilities of North Pacific pension funds, latest available year
  • 3.39.1 GDP growth
  • 3.39.2 Visitor arrivals from Australia and New Zealand to the Cook Islands and Samoa
  • 3.39.3 Fiscal balance
  • 3.39.4 Inflation
  • 3.39.5 Current account balance
  • Niue economic indicators

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Field Value
Publisher Asian Development Bank / ERDI
Last Updated
Publish Date
Available Formats
Temporal Coverage -
Language English (United States)
License Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO
  • Country/Economy
Access Level Public


Asian Development Bank / ERDI

Economic and social data published by ADB’s Economic Research and Development Impact Department (ERDI).

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