Results of ADB-Supported Operations, 2010-2018
Results achieved through completed ADB operations in the core areas of infrastructure, environment, regional cooperation and integration, finance sector development, and education, as identified by Strategy 2020.
These results are also presented in ADB's 2018 Development Effectiveness Review.
Data and Resources
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Lao People's Democratic Republic: By the Numbers
The latest selected data on the Lao People's Democratic Republic's economy, poverty and socioeconomic development, and cumulative ADB assistance.
Social Protection Expenditure in Asia and the Pacific
Total social protection expenditure as % of GDP across countries in Asia and the Pacific.
Data and Resources
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Services, Value Added in Asia and the Pacific, Asian Development Outlook
This dataset gives the growth rates of value added in services at constant prices and its corresponding share as of 2019 at current prices.
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Services, Value Added (% of GDP) in Asia and the Pacific
Services, Value Added (% of GDP) values by regional member and subregion. This dataset shows the pattern of growth per decade from 1966 to 2016.
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Social Protection Indicator by Depth and Breadth
Country-level data on social protection depth (benefits received) and breadth (how many are covered) across countries in Asia and the Pacific.
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Social Protection Indicator by Gender
Country-level data on the distributional impact of social protection on gender (male and female) across countries in Asia and the Pacific.
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Proportion of Population below $3.10 a day in Asia and the Pacific
Proportion of population living below US$3.10/day by regional member between 1996 and 2016.
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Proportion of Population below $1.90 a day in Asia and the Pacific
Proportion of population living below US$1.90/day by regional member between 1996 and 2016.
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Per Capita GDP Growth in Asia and the Pacific, Asian Development Outlook (ADO)
This dataset provides the growth rates of real per capita GDP, which is defined as GDP at constant prices divided by the population.
Data and Resources
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