Malaysia: Input-Output Economic Indicators


Input-output tables provide a detailed picture of an economy through which mutual interrelationships among the producers and consumers in that economy can be systematically quantified. This dataset provides statistics and charts for Malaysia relevant for the analysis of cross-border production arrangements at the local, regional, and global levels.

Years covered: 2000, 2007 - 2022

  1. GDP Scaled to 2010 Levels in Comparison with the Rest of the World
  2. GDP Share by 5-Sector Aggregation
  3. GDP Trend by Final Consumption Expenditure Components
  4. Consumption Expenditure Share by Final Consumption Expenditure Components
  5. Final Consumption Expenditure Total Trend and Shares by 5-Sector Aggregation
  6. Gross Total Output Trend and Shares by 5-Sector Aggregation
  7. Shares by 5-Sector Aggregation Attributed to Foreign and Domestic Final Demand
  8. Gross Output by Production Attributed to Foreign and Domestic Demand
  9. Intermediate Consumption Shares by 5-Sector Aggregation
  10. Intermediate Consumption Ratio to Output by 5-Sector Aggregation
  11. Shares of Domestic and Imported Intermediate Consumption
  12. Shares of Domestic and Imported Intermediate Consumption by 5-Sector Aggregation
  13. Gross Value Added Trend and Shares by 5-Sector Aggregation
  14. Gross Value Added Share Attributed to Foreign and Domestic Final Demand
  15. Sectoral Shares of Gross Value Added Content in Domestic and Foreign Final Demand
  16. Patterns of Interindustry Transactions Based on the Domestic Consumption Matrix
  17. Backward and Forward Linkages by Industry
  18. Potential Decline in Gross Value Added
  19. Potential Decline in Gross Value Added Attributed to Domestic Final Demand
  20. Potential Decline in Gross Value Added Attributed to Exports
  21. Potential Decline in Gross Output
  22. Potential Decline in Gross Output Attributed to Domestic Final Demand
  23. Potential Decline in Gross Output Attributed to Exports
  24. Exports and Imports as a Share of GDP
  25. Total Foreign Trade by Sector
  26. Trend of Export Activity by End-Use Category
  27. Shares of Sectors to Total Intermediate Exports
  28. Shares of Sectors to Total Final Exports
  29. Trend of Import Activity by End-Use Category
  30. Shares of Sectors to Total Intermediate Imports
  31. Shares of Sectors to Total Final Imports
  32. Ranking of Sectors According to Imported Input-to-Output Ratios and Exported Output-to-Output Ratios
  33. Total Foreign-Traded Input
  34. Total Foreign-Traded Output
  35. Decomposition of Total Production Attributable to Domestic and Interregional Demand
  36. Growth Rates of Production Components Based on Two-Region Input-Output Table
  37. Gross Exports versus Value-Added Exports by Sector
  38. Trade in Value-Added Flow with Top Trading Partners
  39. Trade in Value-Added by Industry
  40. Trade in Value-Added
  41. Trade in Production Activities as a Share of GDP, by Type of Value-Added Creation Activities
  42. Structural Changes in Different Types of Value-Added Creation Activities
  43. Simple GVC Production Activities as a Share of Total GVC Production Activities
  44. Trends in Production Activities as a Share of GDP, by Type of Value-Added Creation Activities
  45. Structural Changes in Different Types of Value-Added Creation Activities
  46. Simple GVC Production Activities as a Share of Total GVC Production Activities
  47. Global Value Chain Participation Based on Forward and Backward Linkages at the Sectoral Level
  48. Nominal Growth Rates of Different Value-Added Activities in the Manufacturing Sector
  49. Malaysia Input-Output Table

Data and Resources




Field Value
Publisher Asian Development Bank / ERDI
Last Updated
Publish Date
Update Frequency Irregularly
Available Formats
Temporal Coverage -
Language English (United States)
License Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO
  • Country/Economy
Access Level Public


Asian Development Bank / ERDI

Economic and social data published by ADB’s Economic Research and Development Impact Department (ERDI).

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