Operational Procurement Statistics Dashboard (ProcDash)


Welcome to ADB’s Operational Procurement Statistics Dashboard (ProcDash)

The Operational Procurement Statistics Dashboard (ProcDash) presents the value of all goods, works and consulting services contracts awarded for projects under the Asian Development Bank operations. It has four sections, namely, overview, operational procurement by nationality, operational procurement by origin of goods and services, and operational procurement by threshold. For purposes of this dashboard, value of operational procurement is reported in terms of the amount financed by ADB.

The overview section presented below shows data on operational procurement statistics by region, nature, sector and by borrowing country. Data can be further filtered by contract year and modality. To determine the allocated procurement for policy-based support and results-based lending, click these two items in the modality filter.

For other details about ProcDash, refer to ProcDash FAQ.

ProcDash can also be used to supplement the operational procurement statistics under the Operational Data section of the ADB Annual Report and the figures from the member Fact Sheets. More information on operational procurement contracts is available on the Tenders page of ADB's website (choose “Contracts Awarded” from the “Type” selection).

The ProcDash currently shows data as of 30 November 2024. This will be updated every month.