Results of ADB-Supported Operations: Tackling Climate Change, Building Climate and Disaster Resilience, and Enhancing Environmental Sustainability
Results achieved are aggregate amounts of contributions to 7 Operational Priorities of Strategy 2030 from operations reported in project completion reports, technical assistance completion reports, and extended annual review reports circulated for the year.
The third operational priority of Strategy 2030 is to tackle climate change, build climate and disaster resilience, and enhance environmental sustainability. In the face of rapidly growing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, increasing impacts from climate change and disasters, and accelerating environmental degradation, key responses identified in Strategy 2030 operational priority 3 include (i) scaling up support to address climate change, disaster risks, and environmental degradation; (ii) accelerating low GHG emission development; (iii) ensuring a comprehensive approach to build climate and disaster resilience; (iv) ensuring environmental sustainability; and (v) increasing focus on the water–food–energy nexus.