
Mortality Rate, Aged 5 Years and Below (per 1,000 births) in Asia and the Pacific


Mortality rates by member economy and region group. This dataset shows the pattern of growth per decade from 1966 to 2016.

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The information on this page (the dataset metadata) is also available in these formats.


Donor Contributions on Asian Development Fund


This dataset lists the contributions of donor countries, both regional and nonregional, to ADB's Asian Development Fund.

Data and Resources

Donor Contributions on Asian Development Fund, by Replenishment Period (CSV)

Actual donor contributions are based on contributions indicated in instruments of contribution except for ADF 12, which mostly represent pledged amounts as of 30 March 2017.

Donor Contributions on Asian Development Fund, Total (CSV)

Total contributions of donor countries to the Asian Development Fund.



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The information on this page (the dataset metadata) is also available in these formats.


Australia, Key Indicators


Information on a wide range of statistical indicators on Australia's population, labor force, national accounts, production and price indexes, energy, money and banking, government finance, external trade, balance of payments, international reserves, exchange rates, and external indebtedness.

Data and Resources



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The information on this page (the dataset metadata) is also available in these formats.


Life Expectancy at Birth (Number of Years) in Asia and the Pacific


Life expectancy at birth by regional member and regional group. This dataset shows the pattern of growth per decade from 1966 to 2016.

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The information on this page (the dataset metadata) is also available in these formats.


Basic Statistics, Asia and the Pacific


Statistics on social and economic indicators such as population, gross domestic product (GDP), inflation rate, trade balance, external debt, fiscal balance for 45 economies in the Asia and Pacific.

Data and Resources

Basic Statistics 2022 (CSV)

Corrigendum (5 May 2022)

Cell C802, Proportion of Population Living below the National Poverty Line (%): Fiji 29.9 ¤ changed to Fiji 24.1

Basic Statistics 2021 (CSV)

Corrigendum (14 July 2021)

Cell C541, Proportion of Population Living below the National Poverty Line: Cambodia 17.8 ¤ changed to Cambodia 13.5
Cell D541, Proportion of Population Living below the National Poverty Line Footnote: Cambodia 8 ¤ changed to Cambodia 2

Basic Statistics 2021 (XLSX)

Corrigendum (14 July 2021)

Cell I16, Proportion of Population Living below the National Poverty Line: Cambodia 17.8 ¤ changed to Cambodia 13.5
Cell J16, Proportion of Population Living below the National Poverty Line Footnote: Cambodia 8 ¤ changed to Cambodia 2

Basic Statistics 2019 (CSV)

Corrigendum (24 May 2019)

Cell C2550, Average Annual Population Growth Rate: Niue -0.8 ¤ changed to Niue 1.1
Cell C2263, Population Density: Niue 6 changed to Niue 7

Basic Statistics 2019 (XLSX)

Corrigendum (24 May 2019)

Cell E37, Average Annual Population Growth Rate: Niue -0.8 ¤ changed to Niue 1.1
Cell W37, Population Density: Niue 6 changed to Niue 7



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The information on this page (the dataset metadata) is also available in these formats.