Results of ADB-Supported Operations: Accelerating Progress in Gender Equality


Results achieved are aggregate amounts of contributions to 7 Operational Priorities of Strategy 2030 from operations reported in project completion reports, technical assistance completion reports, and extended annual review reports circulated for the year.

Accelerating progress in gender equality in Asia and the Pacific is the second operational priority of Strategy 2030. This operational priority recognizes that gender equality is critical in its own right as well as for helping realize socioeconomic development. It is imperative that ADB contributes to the efforts of accelerating gender equality outcomes in the region in five areas: (i) economic empowerment, (ii) human development, (iii) decision-making and leadership, (iv) time poverty reduction, and (v) resilience to external shocks. ADB is committed to support gender equality through gender-inclusive project designs in at least 75% of its sovereign and nonsovereign operations by 2030.



Central and West Asia

East Asia

South Asia

Southeast Asia

The Pacific